We recently attended Natural Products Expo West, the biggest trade show for natural products. We are always so excited for this annual event because it brings all of the leaders in natural and organic food together. We were especially excited this year because we proudly hosted a breakfast that featured NestFresh Eggs.

While attendees enjoyed our one-of-a-kind free range Non-GMO Eggs, a panel of speakers discussed the current state of the natural foods while giving their educated predictions of the future of our food system.

Our speakers were quite a panel of industry leaders and included representatives from the Organic Trade Association and the Non-GMO Project. They also took questions from the audience, which created a lively, informative discussion.

NestFresh is proud to be a leader in natural and organic food and we hosted this breakfast to serve as an opportunity for our peers to have a dialogue about the future of our food and how the natural food industry can continue to grow. With our ground-breaking Non-GMO Verification to events that push our colleagues forward, NestFresh is proud to be a leader in natural food.

What questions would you have asked the panel? What would you like to see discussed at our panel next year?