This sandwich recipe is for those who want a seriously filling, seriously protein-packed sandwich. With fried eggs, turkey, bacon, and cheese, you know you’ll be satisfied by this towering sandwich.

If anyone ever argues that eggs are only breakfast food or aren’t filling enough for lunch or dinner, make them this sandwich. We’re pretty sure that will keep them quiet, at least until they’ve finished every last bite.

Protein Packed Sandwich
Serves: 4


• 12oz package bacon
• 8 slices turkey
• 4 slices pepper jack cheese
• 8 lettuce leaves, washed and trimmed
• 2 tomatoes, sliced thinly
• 4 rolls or buns
• 4 NestFresh Eggs
• 1/4 cup mayonnaise
• Hot sauce to taste
• Pickles and peppers to serve


1. Fry bacon until crisp.
2. While bacon is frying, arrange 2 slices of turkey, 1 slice of pepper jack, 2 leaves of lettuce, and tomato slices on each roll.
3. Once bacon is cooked, remove it from heat and let cool until ready to handle.
4. Fry NestFresh Eggs until yolks are set, about 5 minutes on each side.
5. Place bacon and eggs on the rolls.
6. Mix mayonnaise with hot sauce to taste, starting with a small amount, mixing and tasting to desired heat.
7. Serve with pickles and peppers.