August is Colorado Proud Month, so we’re celebrating our Colorado roots. NestFresh was founded in Colorado by a family who wanted to produce an alternative to regular eggs. Since we got our start in Colorado, we want to share some facts about agriculture in this great state! Did you know that nearly half of the state’s 66 million acres are dedicated just to farms and ranches? The state’s agricultural sector contributes more than $40 billion to the state’s economy each year as well as more than 173,000 jobs.

With all of that agriculture in our state, there are a lot of locally produced foods that Colorado residents can choose. And there are a number of great reasons to choose local foods!

• Locally grown food is full of flavor. When consuming local foods, you’re getting fresh products at their peak of ripeness versus being harvested early in order to be shipped and distributed to your local retail store. You’re also eating seasonally fresh food rather than food that needs to be grown in a different climate and shipped long distances.
• Local food supports the local economy. The money that is spent with local farmers and growers stays close to home and is reinvested with businesses and services in your community.
• Local food benefits the environment. By purchasing locally grown foods, you help maintain farmland and green, open space in the community. Choosing local food also limits the resources needed to transport food.
• Local companies have a conscience. NestFresh strives to be the leader in sustainable, local, humane and natural eggs. We are committed to producing eggs that are cage free and we have increased our commitment to sustainability and humane treatment by introducing organic, free range, pasture raised and the first Non-GMO Project Verified Eggs. Like many other local business, we are also committed to giving back to our local community.