Today we are sharing one of our favorite breakfast recipes. These blueberry pancakes are so delicious, you will not believe they are paleo, gluten free, vegetarian and packed with the goodness of avocados!

This recipe comes from Cinfully Simple, a great blog with great breakfast ideas. In her original post, Cindy raves “They were quite frankly, TERRIFICLY TASTY! I even surprised myself and Double Portions (DP) with how good they are! Try for yourself. You might find it’s a nice change up from the norm.” With that introduction, we were sold and we really wanted to share this wonderful recipe from one NestFresh lover with all of the others who read our blog.


• 3 Ripe bananas
• 2 Eggs
• ½ Ripe avocado
• ¼ c. Golden flaxseed meal
• 2 tsp. vanilla
• 1 T. Coconut oil for griddle
• 1 pint Ripe Blueberries

Visit our friend Cindy at Cinfully Simple for the full recipe and description.