If you are exhausted from cooking last week, we have a simple recipe for you! In fact, it is Cinfully Simple. This recipe comes from our friend Cindy, who developed this quick, easy quesadilla recipe that is perfect for the days after Thanksgiving when you don’t feel like cooking anymore.


• 1 tortilla
• 1 large egg
• 1 oz. low-fat cheddar cheese


1. Heat a lightly greased frying pan to medium-hot.
2. Place your tortilla in the pan and let it get good and hot.
3. Once the tortilla is hot, flip it over and immediately crack the egg on top of it then lower your pan heat to medium-low.
4. Break the yolk with a spatula and spread it around on the tortilla. (Try to keep it from going over the edge.)
5. Place a lid on top and let the egg cook until the whites are firm and no longer clear.
6. Remove the lid and sprinkle cheese on the top.
7. Fold in half and serve.

See Cindy’s original post and visit her website for more great recipes.