Spring has officially sprung and Easter is just around the corner! As you can imagine, Easter is our favorite holiday at NestFresh! Our hens are just clucking about all of the eggs the Easter Bunny will need to hide around backyards and fill baskets. Meanwhile, the people at NestFresh start to crave Easter flavors weeks in advance as we anticipate the coming fun.

Carrot cake is a traditional Easter dessert. While it is the perfect tasty treat, it can also be a big undertaking to make one. That’s why we developed this Carrot-Cake-In-A-Mug recipe. It is a quick single-serving taste of Easter, but without having to pull out all of the baking supplies before the big party.


• 4 Tablespoon flour
• 1 Tablespoon ground flax
• 2 Tablespoon brown sugar
• 1/4 Teaspoon cinnamon
• 1/4 Teaspoon baking soda
• 1/4 Cup milk
• 2 Tablespoon oil
• 1/4 Teaspoon almond extract
• 1 Large NestFresh Egg
• 3 Tablespoon grated carrot
• Assorted toppings such as cream cheese, raisins, nuts, etc. (optional)


1. In a large mug, mix flour, flax, sugar, cinnamon and baking soda.
2. Add milk, oil, vanilla, and egg to dry ingredients. Mix well.
3. Fold in grated carrot.
4. Microwave mixture on high for 2 minutes.
5. If desired, sprinkle with shredded coconut, toss on sliced nuts, mix in pineapple, add in raisins or embellish with any of your other favorite carrot cake toppings.