There’s an art to the perfect (scrambled, poached, sunny side up) egg. Want the lowdown on how to plate every dish like an all-star? Our tips here:

Perfect for: busy, on-the-go families. Because scrambled eggs are quick to prepare, they’re a great go-to when you’re, well, in a scramble! Whip up enough to feed a group of hungry mouths in an instant.

ProTip: Don’t season your eggs too early! Try seasoning them at the end of cooking. Otherwise, the salt could break your eggs down, turning them watery and putting them at a greater risk for becoming overcooked.

Perfect for: that quaint brunch you’ve been planning on hosting for a few months now. Come on! Get to it! With an amazing recipe for Eggs Benedict, you’ve got nothing holding you back.

ProTip: According to Julia Child, the trick to getting your poached egg perfectly oval shaped is to boil it for ten seconds before cracking it into water. That’s a pro tip we’ll most definitely take to heart!

Sunny Side Up
Perfect for: kids. Oh, and that fancy culinary creation you pinned on Pinterest the other week. Dishes topped with fried egg are all the rage right now, so give it a try and taste what all the commotion is about!

ProTip: To keep the yolk supremely runny and the whites perfectly cooked, cover the pan you’re frying your egg in part of the way through cooking. This allows the steam to finish the cooking process for you!

Now that you’re armed with a few clever tips from the pros, you can enter our National Egg Month baking contest with confidence. May the best recipe win!