At NestFresh, we are proud to be part of our community. In the next few weeks, we will be sharing guest posts from some of the wonderful people that are doing great work building strong and healthy communities. We are proud to partner with these people and organizations.

Today’s post is from Jeremy Quattlebaum, the chef at the Lawrence Street Shelter. As part of the Denver Rescue Mission, this shelter is their most well-known and most recognizable. It provides emergency care to the poor and homeless.

“As a chef I have had the opportunity to work in some great kitchens. I have been able to use my skills to be creative and put out some quality meals. The budget that I used in these restaurants allowed me to use high quality products. It also allowed me to have very little limitations when it came to creating menus.

Today, I am a chef at Denver Rescue Mission. It’s a great opportunity to serve my community. To provide three meals a day to men, women and families that are facing difficult financial situation. I love the opportunity I have been blessed with to work for the Mission.

However, working for a shelter comes with some challenges. These challenges are far different than the challenges of running a restaurant kitchen. The first challenge is that we are preparing on average 900 meals a day. The second challenge is we have limited funding to prepare balanced meals for our guests (we have to be creative).

Even though we have challenges we are able to overcome them. At the Mission we have a great network of donors. The donations that we receive allow us to provide restaurant quality meals. Donations allow us to free up our budget to purchase the essentials to keep a kitchen running. Your donations also allow me, as chef, to be creative and to have fun putting menus together. So if you ever think that the eggs, milk or meat that you donate is not making a difference, think again. Your donation makes a difference!”

Chef Jeremy Quattlebaum

NestFresh would like to thank Chef Jeremy Quattlebaum and the rest of the team at the Denver Rescue Mission! We are proud to support the Denver Rescue Mission and the work it does in our community. To learn more about their work or how to give, visit their website.