Today we are sharing a classic party recipe. These Kale Pesto Deviled Eggs are always a hit at any get-together or potluck. With this recipe, you’ll be able to whip up the perfect party dish all holiday season long.

Kale Pesto Deviled Eggs


• 6 NestFresh Eggs
• 1 cup kale
• ½ cup fresh basil
• ¼ cup walnuts
• 3 tablespoons parmesan cheese
• 1 clove garlic
• 1/8 teaspoon salt
• ½ teaspoon ground pepper
• 2/3 cup light mayonnaise


1. Place eggs in a medium sized pot covered with cold water.
2. Cook on medium heat until water is boiling.
3. Once water is boiling, cover pot and remove from heat. Allow to rest for 15 minutes.
4. Carefully remove eggs from hot water and run under cold water until cool enough to touch.
5. Remove shells and slice egg in half. Remove cooked yolks and place cooked egg white on serving platter.
6. In a food processor, blend kale, basil, walnuts, parmesan cheese, garlic and salt and pepper until combined.
7. Add mayonnaise and egg yolks and pulse until smooth.
8. Spoon pesto filling in to a plastic sandwich or piping bag. Cut off the corner and pipe into cooked egg whites.
9. Cover and chill for at least 30 minutes before serving.