We have a great guest recipe that comes to us by way of two wonderful, blogging sisters. They are Michelle, CEO and blogger for Isobreathing, and Rebecca, of My Foodie for Thought.

They were so “egg-cited” (their words!) to try NestFresh Non-GMO Eggs and they both knew that Rebecca’s Chocolate Truffle Cake would be the perfect recipe to make using the eggs. This cake recipe is naturally gluten free and it is a hit every time either of them make it!

Their note on the recipe: It needs to be made the day before you are going to serve it.


• 1 cup whipping cream
• 2 1/2 cups semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips
stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter
• 2 tablespoons Nucello
• 7 NestFresh Eggs
• 1 cup light brown sugar
• Dash sea salt


1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line the inside bottom of a 9-inch Springform cake pan with a circle of parchment paper. Wrap foil around the outside of the pan, covering the bottom and sides.

2. In a sauce pan, slowly heat the cream over low heat. When the cream is hot but not boiling, melt the chocolate chips by adding them slowly to the pan as you whisk. Add the butter, in cut up pieces. Whisk until the chocolate and butter are melted. Add the Nucello. As soon as the mixture is melted, smooth, and glossy remove it from the heat.

3. Next beat the eggs, brown sugar and sea salt until the eggs are foamy and doubled in volume, 3-4 minutes. (A KitchenAid stand mixer or hand mixer is helpful)

4. Slowly add the cooling chocolate mixture to the eggs, and beat gently until combined.

5. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan.

6. Bake in the center of a pre-heated oven for one hour, until the cake is set and cracked. It will still appear a bit loose in the center.

7. When the cake is close to room temperature, lightly cover and chill the cake overnight.