We have been working hard to get the word out about our humane, sustainable eggs lately. We have been talking to everyone who will listen about our new products, our amazing farms, and our favorite recipes. We’ve been in print, online, radio, and television media over the last few months and we wanted to share some of our favorite appearances with you.

Our line of hard cooked eggs was called innovative by C-Store Products. We are so proud to be able to bring the NestFresh values of humane animal care, family farming, and sustainable agriculture to the convenience arena, providing nutritious snacks to busy people.

We appeared on The Barn Radio network, which plays on a number of local Colorado radio stations, to talk about egg dishes that are a great fit for all of the celebrations in Spring and Summer.

Suzanne Huber, a nutritionist and chef, shared some great recipes that use our eggs on Fox Baltimore.

Where have you spotted our eggs lately? See our Where to Buy map to find them near you.