We are so excited to announce that we have added a new facility to our network of farms and processing centers throughout the country! This is an important piece of our mission to provide more households and communities like those in the Northeast with our sustainably and humanely produced eggs packed at a local facility.

Our new Pennsylvania location will help us provide consumers with the very best eggs from humane, sustainable, family farms. The facility will pack organic and pasture raised eggs from local farms as part of our sustainable system. We are also proud to be able to provide nearly 20 jobs, further supporting local food and agriculture as well as the local economy.

We also have big plans for the future of the plant. It is currently undergoing all of the preparations and audits to live up to our high standards. These include SQF Level 3 certification for food safety and quality, as well as third party certifications from Humane Farm Animal Care, American Humane, USDA Organic, Orthodox Union Kosher, and Non-GMO Project Verification.

At NestFresh, we continue to take steps towards procuring more locally-based, humane, sustainable farms and facilities for even fresher eggs. The expansion into this new facility will provide both health-conscious and environmentally-conscious consumers in the Northeast with even more ways to support their local farmers through their shopping choices.