Today we are sharing a recipe that is easy and fun. We love this recipe because it is really versatile. You can whip up a small batch for a quick snack or make it in a larger batch for an unexpected addition to your holiday brunch spread.

Omelet Roll Up


• 2 NestFresh Eggs
• 4 NestFresh Egg whites
• 1/8 teaspoon salt
• 1/8 teaspoon pepper
• nonstick cooking spray
• 4 ounces Neufchatel cheese, room temperature
• ¼ cup salsa
• ¼ cup sweet corn kernels
• ½ avocado, diced
• 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro


1. In a small bowl, beat together eggs, egg whites, salt and pepper.
2. Spray a large skillet with non-stick cooking spray and heat on medium high heat.
3. Pour eggs into pan and cover with lid. Cook for 4 minutes.
4. Remove lid and carefully flip egg “pancake.” Cook for another 2 minutes then remove from heat.
5. Place egg “pancake” on large cutting board or plate.
6. Carefully spread with Neufchatel cheese and top with salsa, corn, diced avocado and chopped cilantro.
7. Gently roll egg into a log.
8. Fix with long toothpicks.