April is the month to join NestFresh and the Non-GMO Project to take the Non-GMO Challenge. The Non-GMO Project is challenging you to take the Non-GMO Challenge all month long and choose products that are produced without GMOs.
GMOs are now present in more than 75% of conventional processed food, so look for the Non-GMO Project Verified logo to find products that are produced according to best practices for GMO avoidance. Their rigorous program includes audits and testing of farms and facilities. For NestFresh, that means that our cage free, free range hens are fed non-GMO feed. The farmers start with traditional seeds that are non-GMO strains and keep them away from GMO inputs that may contaminate them. The farms trace the eggs from the barns to the packaging to make sure they do not co-mingle with eggs from hens fed GMO feed ingredients.
NestFresh is proud to produce a full line of Non-GMO Project Verified products. Learn more about our non-GMO farms and the affects GMOs have on the environment, farming, and our food.