We are so excited to share the results of a recent study on protein-rich snacks. An Iowa school district completed a study that provided kids that were being monitored for behavior protein-based snacks. After a year-long study, the school district found that the students had a lower percentage of behavior referrals on days they were provided a protein-based snack compared to days when they did not. You can read more about the study and see the specific decreases that study identified on the American Egg Board Blog.

This study is a great start in illustrating the importance of feeding kids the right foods to support their success at school. At NestFresh we know how important it is to have healthy, fresh food on hand and we want to make that even more convenient for busy families. That is why we have developed peeled and ready-to-eat hard cooked eggs. These eggs are the same humane, sustainable eggs you love from NestFresh perfectly cooked, peeled, and ready for a quick snack or the easiest meal prep you’ve ever had.

Our hard cooked eggs offer people who care about how their food is produced another option for fresh, affordable, healthy food. We know how hard it can be to get nutritious protein-rich snacks into busy kids’ diets, so grab one of our on-the-go 2 packs or re-sealable 6 packs next time you are at your local grocer.